Demystifying deductible:
Deductible is a fixed amount which needs to be exhausted before you can claim your Super top-up policy.
When you’re purchasing a Super top-up policy with us,
1. For the 1 crore or 50 lakhs Sum Insured Policy, you’ll notice that you’ve got 2 different deductible options:
5 lakhs
10 lakhs
2. For the 20 lakhs Sum Insured Policy, you’ll notice that you’ve got 4 different deductible options:
1 lakhs
2 lakhs
3 lakhs
5 lakhs
If you selected a deductible of 2 lakhs, you basically mean that, at the time of claim, your Super top-up policy will not kick in until you’ve crossed a bill of 2 lakhs which is either paid out of your pocket or through another insurance policy.
Sure, so then who pays the deductible (say I selected 2 lakhs) amount I selected during a claim?
You’ve got three options, depending on what’s available to you:
You use your company’s group health insurance to cover the 2 lakhs
You use your personal health insurance to cover the 2 lakhs
You pay 2 lakhs out of your pocket
Depending on your circumstances, you could use a combination of any of these 3 options.
Got it. So in case, I’ve claimed earlier in the year through any of the options above, can I count that as my deductible?
Yes! Let’s say you’ve undergone treatment for 2 lakhs earlier in the year. And you need to claim for 1 lakhs again, you can use your Super top-up.
Okay, does it work the same for a floater Super top-up policy?
That’s right.
Let’s say, you’ve got a floater health insurance policy (personal or through your company) for you, your spouse and 2 kids. And you’ve bought a floater Super top-up policy with a deductible of 2 lakhs.
Your spouse went through a surgery that cost 1 lakhs three months ago.
You too, went through a surgery that cost about 1.5 lakhs last month.
You need to make a third claim, say of 2 lakhs.
Here’s where you can use your Super top-up. Since you’ve already foot bills of 2.5 lakhs, your deductible is technically exhausted.
Sure. So what deductible should I choose while buying a Super top-up?
You might notice that the lower the deductible, the higher the cost of your Super top-up policy.
Here’s how this works: it is easier for you to pay 1 lakhs as a deductible throughout the year versus 5 lakhs. Hence, the lower a deductible, the more expensive your Super top-up policy is.
Our recommendation is to balance out the three factors in a way that suits you the best:
Select a price point that is within your budget
Weigh out which of your insurance polices could cover the deductible throughout the year
Weigh out your emergency fund as a worst case scenario if you had to pay out of your pocket
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